Money Transfer & Remittances

  • Sander, Cerstin:  Of Migrants & Money Matters – From Migrant Remittance Transfers to Migrant Banking. Paper presented at the UBI Banca International Banking Forum, Brescia, Italy, 18 – 19 June 2009.
  • Sander, Cerstin: Remittance Money Transfers, Microfinance and Financial Integration: Of Credo, Cruxes, and Convictions. In Ingrid Matthäus-Maier and J.D. von Pischke (eds.): New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance. Springer, Berlin, 2008.
  • Sander, Cerstin: Remittances: strategic and operational considerations. Annex to IFAD Decision Tools for Rural Finance, IFAD, Rome, 2006.
  • Sander, Cerstin. How money moves in cash-based markets: money transfer services in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. in Shaw, Judith (ed.). Remittances, Microfinance and Development: building the links, Volume 1: a global view, Foundation for Development Cooperation, Brisbane, 2005.
  • Sander, Cerstin, Doina Nistor, Andrei Bat, Viorica Petrov, and Victoria Seymour: Migrant Remittances and the Financial Market in Moldova.  Study prepared for USAID (BASIS/CRSP), February 2005.  (see also BASIS brief ’33: ‘Migrant Remittances and the Financial Market in Moldova,’ by Cerstin Sander, Doina Nistor, Andrei Bat, Viorica Petrov, Victoria Seymour. October 2005.
  • Sander, Cerstin and S.M. Maimbo: Migrant Remittances in Africa – A Regional Perspective.  In Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Dilip Ratha (eds.): Remittances – Development Impact and Future Prospects. World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2005, pp. 53-80.
  • Sander, Cerstin: Migrant Remittances: A Profitable Proposition for the Financial Services Sector. Developing Alternatives, 10 (1), winter 2005.
  • Migrant Remittances. Newsletter, USAID and DFID. Cerstin Sander (editor 2004 to 2005).
  • Sander, Cerstin:  Capturing a Market Share?  Migrant Remittances and Money Transfers as a Microfinance Service in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Small Enterprise Development Journal, special issue on migrant remittances, March 2004. (Presented at the conference on ‘Current Issues in Microfinance’, Johannesburg, August 2003.)
  • Sander, Cerstin: Migrant Remittances and the Investment Climate: Exploring the Nexus. Case Study Commissioned by the UK Department for International Development for the 2005 World Development Report, January 2004.
  • Sander, Cerstin: Passing the Buck in East Africa: The Money Transfer Practice and Potential for Services in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.  MicroSave-Africa, Nairobi, 2004.
  • Sander, Cerstin and Samuel Maimbo:  Migrant Remittances in Africa:  Reducing Obstacles to Developmental Contributions.  World Bank Africa Region Working Paper Series no. 64, World Bank, Financial Sector Vice Presidency, Africa, 2003.
  • Sander, Cerstin, Issa Barro, Mamadou Fall, Mariell Juhlin et Coumba Diop:  Etude sur le transfert d’argent des émigrés au Sénégal et les services de transfert en microfinance.  Working Paper / Document de Travail No. 40, Employment Sector, Social Finance Unit / Le Programme Finance et Solidarité, International Labour Office (ILO/BIT), Geneva, 2003.—ed_emp/documents/publication/wcms_117966.pdf
  • Sander, Cerstin:  Migrant Remittances to Developing Countries – A Scoping Study:  Overview and Introduction to Issues for Pro-Poor Financial Services.  Prepared for DFID, 2003.
  • Kabbucho, Kamau, Cerstin Sander, Peter Mukwana:  Passing the Buck – Money Transfer Systems:  The Practice and Potential for Products in Kenya.  MicroSave-Africa, Nairobi, 2003.  see synthesis Sander, Cerstin: Passing the Buck in East Africa, 2004
  • Sander, Cerstin, Peter Mukwana, Altemius Millinga:  Passing the Buck – Money Transfer Systems: The Practice and Potential for Products in Tanzania and Uganda.  MicroSave-Africa & Austrian Development Cooperation, 2001.  see synthesis Sander, Cerstin: Passing the Buck in East Africa, 2004